Friday, May 20, 2011

Consider Me An Ambassador

This will be a short post. I like those who are less experienced. There, I said it. While there's nothing wrong with a woman having been more involved in kink than I have been, there's a different dynamic in the situation that immediately throws the balance off a bit. I like it when that balance is clearly in my favor and I become the teacher, the guide and the aggressor. My past experiences with a couple people who had more experience than I did were certainly fun, but I think I was more focused on observation and picking up new things than I was on being in control, and never really got into a dominant mode.

Someone who doesn't have much experience, however, is kind of like a shiny new toy. There's something to be said for taking someone on a new journey and blowing their mind. The biggest compliment I ever got from a partner new to kink was "You totally redefined what I thought I liked." Sure, it was hugely ego stroking but there was so much satisfaction in taking someone to new territory and having them enjoy it that much. Opening up that brave, new sexual world for them, like it was for me a while ago, is almost more satisfying than the sex itself. It also doesn't hurt that in the process of doing so their desire to have more and more experiences with me is reinforced... Great sex begets more great sex, and so on.

At this point it's hard to imagine people not wanting to explore kink, but I guess a lot of people don't or just don't think about it much. Whether it's preconceived notions, like I had, or the taboo I don't know. But I like to think that's where I come in. A champion of (some) things kink? Perhaps.

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