Sunday, April 17, 2011


So i've been playing catch up these last few days. A lot has happened and GGPB is no longer around. Why? I couldn't say. She won't even tell me. She won't speak to me at all, actually. Now, people come and go and that's fine. I want my time spent writing to be more fun and less drama or bad times so I normally would keep details private, but in this case i'll break my guideline. And truth be told, there aren't even any details. Because I don't know them... See above.

About a week ago something to which I am still clueless about (although I have my suspicions. and even then I think to myself, "really?") happened that I can only assume upset GGPB. Ok, fine. People do things once in a while that irritate others, even when we don't mean to. They're called mistakes. It's how the world works. We all, or most of us, deal with it like adults. So this past Monday morning I texted her like I do most days to get the details on anything fun that happened the previous night, see what the plan was for today, etc. And I got... silence. And when I got around to logging into my Facebook later on it looked like something was missing. Oh, posts by GGPB... Apparently I had been "unfriended" as well. Both mature and classy were obviously not the themes for whatever this was.

This day in particular I was looking for details on a certain situation that was ongoing between her and one of her other playthings. This is only important in that the end result directly relates to me. I had asked her about it a few days prior and her reply was "He's dead to me". That in itself should have been a red flag. This is someone who she'd known for several years and was all of a sudden excised from her life. So the fact that she's done that to me should be no surprise, really. It's apparently how she deals with conflict. You know, without resolution and the same way a child would. Ignore it and don't deal with it. Now, to her credit, she appears to handle her marriage with far more respect and she and her husband are able to work through things. So good on her. Everyone else is disposable.

Having both a few years under my belt as well as experience with an open relationship, conflict is something i've dealt with before. You bring it up, talk it out, fight it out if you must (not my MO) and then you find a resolution, hug it out, fuck it out (if that's what you do), and move on. Like adults who genuinely care about those around them. In this case, if the issue is what I suspect, it could have been pretty easily resolved. I guess in the end what it comes down to is this: Be a grown-up. Talk about stuff. If you don't then you're going to lose good people who can add a lot to your life. And that's just unfortunate.

Au revoir.

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